Thursday, September 10, 2009


Never a dull moment! Sometimes weekend plans just don't turn out the way you hoped :) We were supposed to go ona 4 wheeling trip with friends last weekend but at the last minute, i found out that my parents could not watch Carson for us so we opted not to go. It wouldn't of worked out anyway because that same night, as i tell carson to give daddy a kiss goodnight and on our way to bed...i'm inthe kitchen andi hear a blood curdling scream! daniel comes running in thekitchen with carson in his arms and blood pouring, literally pouring out of his eye. it made me sick to my stomach...i was scared to look. I had a huge sigh of relief when i saw it was just a cut under his eye...but it was so close to his eye, i haved thanked the lord many times for it being under his eye. We got the bleeding to stop and waited about a half hour before we left for the hospital but i tell you...this little man is a trooper!!! He wanted to keep playing while i chased him around the living room wiping his face from the cut still bleeding! And once we got to the ER, he was such a big boy. They only had to glue it which was a huge relief. Cardinal Glennon is the best!!! Carson had many visitors through the weekend and got "get well" gifts too! haha spoiled much?? :)

I have to remind myself that these things will happen. I beat myself up about it because it could of been prevented...he walked into the living room to kiss daddy and tripped yoga mat. ugh. and then hit his face on the juice cup he was carrying. double ugh. i was sick about it...but accidents happen and i've learned that you can't be to careful...even with a rolled up yoga mat.

Here is the damage...our little rambo :) the cutest is when you ask him to do "strong boy" with muscles showing and this hat on :) so cute.

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